R U OK? Day: A Chat That Could Change a Life

R U OK? Day: A Chat That Could Change a Life

Hey there, Cafe 80 community! Let’s talk about something really important that’s coming up—R U OK? Day on 12 September. It’s more than just a date on the calendar; it’s a reminder that a simple question can make a world of difference.


What’s R U OK? Day All About?

You know how life can be a bit of a roller coaster sometimes? Well, R U OK? Day is all about checking in on each other during those ups and downs. It's a national day in Australia that shines a spotlight on mental health awareness and reminds us to stay connected with the people around us.

But here’s the thing—while 12 September is the official R U OK? Day, the folks behind this initiative want us to remember that any day is a good day to ask, "Are you okay?" You can find more about their mission and resources here on their official website.


Why Does It Matter?

Life happens every single day, right? Your bestie might be going through a tough breakup. Your colleague could be stressed about a big project. Or maybe your neighbour is feeling a bit lonely. These things don’t wait for a specific date—they can happen any time.

By having regular, meaningful chats with the people in our lives, we’re doing something pretty amazing. We’re building trust and making it normal to talk about the real stuff that’s going on. So when someone we care about is struggling, they know they’ve got a friend they can turn to.


Who’s Behind R U OK?

R U OK? isn’t just a catchy phrase—it’s a full-fledged national suicide prevention charity. These folks are on a mission to encourage all of us to stay connected and have conversations that could help others through tough times.

They focus on giving us—the friends, family members, and colleagues—the confidence and skills to be there for someone who’s having a hard time. It’s not about being a professional counsellor; it’s about being a good mate who’s ready to listen and support. You can learn more about their approach and resources on their official site.


How Can We Make a Difference?


It’s simpler than you might think:

  • Be alert: Pay attention to the people around you. Sometimes, the signs that someone’s not okay are subtle.
  • Start a conversation: If you notice someone might be struggling, reach out. It doesn’t have to be a big, serious talk—just a genuine “How are you really doing?” can open the door.
  • Listen without judgement: Sometimes, people just need to be heard. You don’t need to have all the answers.
  • Encourage action: If needed, gently suggest they talk to someone who can provide professional help.
  • Check in: Follow up with them later. Show them you’re still thinking about them and care about their well-being.


Cafe 80’s Special R U OK? Day Event

Now, here’s some news! Your favourite local spot, Cafe 80, is getting involved in a big way. On 12 September, we’re hosting a special gathering to support R U OK? Day and mental health awareness.

Here’s what we’ve got planned:

Buy 1 Get 1 Free Coffee

Bring a friend along and enjoy a coffee together on us. It’s the perfect excuse to catch up and have a real conversation. Nothing beats a good chat over a great cup of coffee, right?

New Food Boxes: Buy One, Get Another Free

Can’t make it to the cafe? No worries! We’re offering a special deal on our new food boxes. Buy one for yourself and get another one free to share with someone special. It’s a great way to show someone you’re thinking of them, even if you can’t be there in person.

Check Out Our Boxes


These offers are more than just great deals—they’re opportunities to connect. Whether you’re catching up with an old friend or reaching out to someone you’ve been meaning to check on, it’s a chance to pause and really listen to each other.


Making Every Day an R U OK? Day

Remember, while 12 September is the official R U OK? Day, the spirit of the day is something we can carry with us all year round. Here are some ideas to keep the conversation going:

  • Set a reminder on your phone to check in with someone regularly.
  • Start team meetings with a quick “How’s everyone doing?” moment.
  • Create a group chat where friends can share their highs and lows.
  • Plan regular catch-ups with people you care about.


Let’s Keep Talking

At the end of the day, R U OK? Day is about more than just asking a question—it’s about really listening to the answer. It’s about creating a world where we all feel comfortable reaching out when we need help, and where we’re all ready to lend an ear when someone else is struggling.

So, whether you join us at Cafe 80 on 12 September for a coffee and a chat, or you reach out to a friend in your own way, remember that you have the power to make a difference. A conversation could change a life—maybe even your own.

And hey, while we’re at it—R U OK? If you’re going through a tough time, remember that it’s okay to not be okay sometimes. Reach out to someone you trust, or come by Cafe 80. We’re not just here for the coffee (though it is pretty great)—we’re here for you, too.

Let’s make every day an R U OK? Day. Because together, we’ve got this.


Want to learn more about R U OK? Day or get involved? Check out the official R U OK? website for resources and ideas. And don’t forget to mark your calendar for Cafe 80’s special event on 12 September—we can’t wait to see you there!